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Vastu Tips: Land Selection  



While selecting the land for residential, commercial or industrial purpose many factors are to be seen e.g. Land slope, Shape of the land, the magnetic N/S axis, surroundings, open space into periphery, traces of bones in the land etc.

                                Plot testing/ selection criteria.


- There should be no demolished building, Tomb, Grave, crematoriums or cemetery near the plot.


- In the middle of the plot (Brahma Sthaan), dig a cubical pit of size 2ft. X 2ft. X 2ft. then refill the pit with exactly the same mud, which had been dug out:-


- In case the Pit is left partially empty, then it should not be purchased and immediately abandoned, this plot will bring misery and mental agony.


- In case the pit fills up in accordance with the rest of the land, then the land is ordinary.


- In case the pit completely fills up and there is still mud left over then this plot is very auspicious and will enhance wealth and prosperity.


- In the middle of the plot (Brahma Sthaan), dig a cubical pit of size 1.50ft. X 1.50ft. X 1.50ft. then fill the pit with water and wait for three minutes:-


-  In case the water level goes down by one foot or more then the plot is inferior, and should not be purchased and immediately abandoned, this plot will bring misery and mental agony.


-  In case the water level goes down by 6 Inches to 9 Inches then the plot is of medium quality.


-  In case the water level remains unchanged or goes down by less than 6 Inches then the plot is of superior quality and is very auspicious.


- Before Dusk, Dig a cubical pit of size 1.50ft. X 1.50ft. X 1.50ft. then fill the pit with water, go and observe the pit the following day before sunrise:-


- In case the water level remains unchanged or goes down by less than 6 Inches then the plot is of Superior quality and is very auspicious.


- In case the water level goes down by 6 Inches to 9 Inches then the plot is of medium quality.


- In case the water has completely dried up and there are cracks at the base of the pit, then such a  plot is inferior, and should not be purchased and immediately abandoned, this plot can be Disastrous.

                                Soil test / Bhumi Laxan

One can test the soil by testing the Roop, Rang, Ras, Gandh, Sparsh etc.

1) Roop: The land should be good looking and levelled .The land of plot should be rectangle (10*20) or Square (10*10) the corners should be of 90 degree. The direction should be proper East, South, West, North. The land should not have thorny plants, wild plants, and poisonous plants like dhatura combination to the above it should be a big No if it is on very old grave yards.

2) Rang: White-Best, Yellow- Good, Reddish- Good, and Black-Not Good (bad). As the binding power is more in white soil so it is considered good to make foundation and columns of the house with less expenditure. Black soil is not so good as its sandy and will lead to more expenditure and not economical. It is advisable to replace the black soil.

3) Ras: Sweet -Good, Bitter- bad, Sour - Bad, Chilly- bad.

4) Gandh: Smell should be good and sweet and not of grave yard. Should not have fumes of bad gases.

5) Sparsh:- It should be soft to touch.

                                  Color of the Soil

Color (rang) of the soil is another important aspect which should not be avoided at the time of purchasing the plot. The following colors of soil are considered better for construction purposes.



- Red soil is suitable for executives who are engaged in administrative and legal services. These executives are usually employees of Government, armed forces or administration.



- Yellow and Green is considered by shareholders, businessmen, bankers and by those who are directly related to commercial activities.



- Usually White soil is preferable for intellectual professionals like doctors, engineers, teachers, poets, musicians, consultants etc.



- Black and clay soil is not good for construction.


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