The devotee named as VAASTU PURUSHA, lay down in
all the sites. He is surrounded by the celestial beings thus he is called the
God of Vaastu . These celestial beings sat on the devotee and laid force
on different limbs of the Vastupurush. The thirty-two celestial beings are
seated on the outer limits and 13 beings are seated within inner limits.
A site of any shape can be divided using the
VastuPurush Mandala .Each division within the mandala is called pada
and an image of the devotee called VaastuPurusha is drawn in the
likeness of man. There is 45 pada in Ekashiti Vastu mandal. Each pada is
named after celestial beings.
In accordance with the position occupied in
Mandala, by the preceding gods is shown below:-
celestial beings seated on the outer limits of the devotee are:-
1) Shikhi/ Ish/Agni - ( head),
2) Parjanya / Parojaya - (eye),
3) Jayant - (ear),
4) Mahendra /Indra - (neck),
5) Surya - (shoulders),
6) Satya / Sadya - (arm),
7) Bhrush / Barisham - (middle hand),
8) Nabh /Akash - (elbow),
9) Anil/Agni/ Vahuhu - (forearm),
10) Pushna/ Pusha - (wrist),
11) Vitatha- (side),
12) Gurushat / Kritanta /brhatksata - (side),
13) Yama - (thigh),
14) Gandharva - (knee),
15) Bhringraj /Bringavaja - (thigh ),
16) Mrug /Mriga - (buttock),
17) Pitru / Pitara - (feet),
18) Douvarika /Darepale - (buttock),
19) Sugriva - (shank) ,
20)Pushpadanta - (knee),
21) Varuna /jajaldi-paha - (thigh),
22)Asur / Daitya - (side),
23)Shosh / Sesha - (side),
24)Papyakshm / Yakshma - (wrist),
25)Roga - (forearm),
26)Naga - (elbow),
27)Mukha / Mukhya - (middle hand),
28)Bhallata - (arm),
29)Soma - (shoulders),
30)Charak/ bhujaga / Sarpa - (neck ),
31) Aditi - (ear),
32)Diti - (eye).
13 celestial
beings seated within inner limits of the devotee are:-
1) Apa/Apaha - (mouth),
2) Apavatsa /Avantsa - (chest),
3) Savitra/Savitraha - (root of fingers),
4) Savita - (finger tips),
5) Indra /Vishnu /Indraha - (genitals),
6) Indrajya/vibhuda - (genitals),
7) Rudra/Rudraha - (root of fingers),
8) Rudrraj / Rajayakshma - (finger
9) Arayama /Marichi -
10) Vivaswan /Vishvat- (hips),
11) Mitra - (stomach),
12) Prithvidhara/Prthwi - (chest),
13) Brahma - (heart).
Manasara talks about 32 types of VastuPurusha
Mandalas/PadaVinyasa, depending upon their applications such as residential
buildings, palaces, auditoriums, temples etc. The deities on outer mandala are
important as main door entry of building or plot will be there. The inner
deities are mostly related to health issues. The zones on mandala are
useful for planning the locations of various activities in a house according to
elements present in related zone. Any extension or retraction in the plot or
construction site, results in imbalance of it, hence Vastu rectification is
needed to balance it.
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